Leather products

Sustainability has a lot to do with the choice of material for a product.

Aster bags are made of high quality Ethiopian leather.

Yes, leather is an animal product. And yes, leather has a complex production.

Nevertheless, the choice for Aster bags quickly fell on the natural material.

Because leather is a purely natural product (with appropriate tanning, which is the case with Aster). In addition, leather is a by-product of the meat industry and thus contributes to the full utilization of the slaughtered animal. Aster bags are made of Ethiopian leather, which comes exclusively from small and family farms. The animals, in Aster's case cattle and sheep, live in herds, graze freely, and live a life far removed from factory farming.


In addition to the extraction of the natural product, the texture is also an important aspect in terms of sustainability. Ethiopian leather is known for its strength and durability. These properties ensure that your Aster bag is not a disposable item that will have to be replaced after a short time. With the appropriate care and attention, Aster bags are lifelong companions that mature with their owners and maintain their quality.

Is leather therefore more sustainable than artificial leather or vegetable leather alternatives? The answer to this question has to do with more than the choice of material. Purchasing behavior, handling of the products and their useful life are in your hands. Aster offers you a high-quality and timeless natural product.